Sunday, May 9, 2010

Post Finals Bliss

As I said in my previous blog, I’ve had the most dreadful time leading up to the finals. I took four courses this semester, and the week before finals, I had submissions due in all of them. Organizing time this particular semester had been difficult. Its always difficult, but this semester was more so.

Now that I am done with the finals, and I made an A in one of the courses (Yes!), I decided to celebrate. I ordered pizza and breadsticks from Papa John’s, and that set me back by $33! It was an expensive proposition. I still have the barbecue chicken and bacon pizza in the fridge. I have a small appetite and it takes a long time for me to run through that large pizza. I intend to finish it by tomorrow night and then get back to eating regular healthy food.

I also intend to start my evening jogging from Monday on. Weather in summer is fantastic and I should make the most of it. I bet my stamina is at its all time low, and I wonder if I will be able to run a quarter mile without being completely exhausted. I will take it easy in the first week though.

(I put a slice of pizza in the oven. I am just that hungry)

Friday night (5/7/10) was crazy. I had a final submission due at 11:59PM, but I turned in my assignment at around 9PM. Then I ordered pizza, and I helped my roommate fix his laptop, and I started playing Fallout 3 at around 11PM and I pretty much went on playing till 7AM. I had an 8 hour marathon of Fallout 3.

I am loving the game. It had some performance issues at ultra initially and I grudgingly turned down the settings a little bit, and its working really well.

(Eating pizza and watching Zero Punctuation review of Splinter Cell: Conviction. OK, so Splinter Cell: Convection is all nonsense apparently. Good thing I didn’t pay $59.99 for it. *faceplam*)

So coming back to Fallout 3, I am so glad I got it for my birthday. The most amazing gameplay moment is when you step out of the Vault and see the world around you. Although I knew exactly how the story was going to unfold, the moment I got out of the claustrophobic vault and saw the world, I was in awe. Just as I was beginning to get bored of goofing around in the vault killing roaches, the game puts me smack in the middle of the wasteland with a horizon as far as the eye could see. Its one of those moments that gives you goosebumps.

I got a short video of that as well, so be sure to watch it in HD.

I hear that Fallout 3: New Vegas is coming out, I am quite interested in it.

Not much else has happened apart from that. I am going to continue playing Fallout 3 for the rest of the weekend and then get back to work on Monday.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Long over due update

After my enthusiastic first post on my new blog which I started with the intention to update every week, I haven’t had the time to get back to it ever since.

The last week of April (26th to 30th) has been particularly bad. I had five submissions over five days, and I barely had time to finish them. I don’t understand how everything accumulates to the very last minute. No matter how hard I try I only manage to finish them the night before the deadline. I’ve got to learn to better manage my time.

I played Company of Heroes in the meanwhile. Must say I like this game. RTS games are something I have not played a lot. Apart from occasional Age of Empires 2 LAN matches back in 2004, and Lord of the Rings Battle For Middle Earth which I played recently, I am fairly new to the genre.

I am really impressed with the graphics and physics in this game. Not surprisingly, I discovered that this game uses Havoc physics engine. I’ve made a few gameplay videos, which I will upload soon. Just haven’t had the time to do that.

I am one of those people who is not tired of World War II games. I am in fact fresh off the heels of Brother’s in Arms: Hell’s Highway and I intend to play Commandos 3 right after Company of Heroes. Obviously I have not had enough.

I’ve also purchased a few games on Steam for dirt cheap. I bought Grand Theft Auto 4 and the better half gifted me Max Payne. Apparently she bought it for 19kr, which she tells me is nothing, and I agree. The last time I was in Norway, a hot dog cost 35kr.

Also, after two months of procrastinating, I finished my review of BioShock. I am not sure why but I get really tired whenever I begin to start a review. I type no more than three sentences before I close the window and don’t look at it for another week.

Speaking of closing the window, I better close this window and get back to work. Finals week starts tomorrow and if I stop myself from getting totally impatient for just one more week, I can at least look forward to getting decent grades.