Sunday, May 9, 2010

Post Finals Bliss

As I said in my previous blog, I’ve had the most dreadful time leading up to the finals. I took four courses this semester, and the week before finals, I had submissions due in all of them. Organizing time this particular semester had been difficult. Its always difficult, but this semester was more so.

Now that I am done with the finals, and I made an A in one of the courses (Yes!), I decided to celebrate. I ordered pizza and breadsticks from Papa John’s, and that set me back by $33! It was an expensive proposition. I still have the barbecue chicken and bacon pizza in the fridge. I have a small appetite and it takes a long time for me to run through that large pizza. I intend to finish it by tomorrow night and then get back to eating regular healthy food.

I also intend to start my evening jogging from Monday on. Weather in summer is fantastic and I should make the most of it. I bet my stamina is at its all time low, and I wonder if I will be able to run a quarter mile without being completely exhausted. I will take it easy in the first week though.

(I put a slice of pizza in the oven. I am just that hungry)

Friday night (5/7/10) was crazy. I had a final submission due at 11:59PM, but I turned in my assignment at around 9PM. Then I ordered pizza, and I helped my roommate fix his laptop, and I started playing Fallout 3 at around 11PM and I pretty much went on playing till 7AM. I had an 8 hour marathon of Fallout 3.

I am loving the game. It had some performance issues at ultra initially and I grudgingly turned down the settings a little bit, and its working really well.

(Eating pizza and watching Zero Punctuation review of Splinter Cell: Conviction. OK, so Splinter Cell: Convection is all nonsense apparently. Good thing I didn’t pay $59.99 for it. *faceplam*)

So coming back to Fallout 3, I am so glad I got it for my birthday. The most amazing gameplay moment is when you step out of the Vault and see the world around you. Although I knew exactly how the story was going to unfold, the moment I got out of the claustrophobic vault and saw the world, I was in awe. Just as I was beginning to get bored of goofing around in the vault killing roaches, the game puts me smack in the middle of the wasteland with a horizon as far as the eye could see. Its one of those moments that gives you goosebumps.

I got a short video of that as well, so be sure to watch it in HD.

I hear that Fallout 3: New Vegas is coming out, I am quite interested in it.

Not much else has happened apart from that. I am going to continue playing Fallout 3 for the rest of the weekend and then get back to work on Monday.

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